NOTE: User must be logged in as agent or admin to access this API

URL : v3/service-desk/api/change-list

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description
sort-field String subject Optional Field name to sort
sort-order String asc, desc Optional Sorting order either ascending or descending
search-query String Optional Keyword to be searched in change list page
limit Integer Optional Number of records to be displayed in each page
page Integer Optional Page number
change_ids Array Optional Array of change ids
department_ids Array Optional Array of department ids
impact_ids Array Optional Array of impact ids
status_ids Array Optional Array of status ids
location_ids Array Optional Array of location ids
priority_ids Array Optional Array of priority ids
requester_ids Array Optional Array of requester ids
asset_ids Array Optional Array of asset ids
release_ids Array Optional Array of release ids
team_ids Array Optional Array of team ids
change_type_ids Array Optional Array of change type ids
custom_id String Any String Optional Custom field param will have form field id after prefix ‘custom_’.

Success Response:

       "subject":"IPod touch gaurd is cracked, need to replace it.",
       "created_at":"2019-10-22 11:12:22",
       "subject":"Laptop screen is broken, need to replace it.",
       "created_at":"2019-10-23 11:12:22",