Understanding Webhook Events in Faveo

Below are examples to demonstrate  how the webhook flow works in the Faveo system: 1. Ticket creation: This webhook is activated when a ticket is generated within Faveo. This JSON represents form values related to creating a ticket in the Faveo system. Event: “ticket_created” In summary, this JSON represents the creation of a ticket including […]

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Integrating System Level Activity Logs with other modules for Helpdesk

In this article, we’ll explore the integration of system level activity logs with helpdesk modules, providing insights into how these logs can enhance helpdesk functionalities. Whenever an action such as creating, updating, or deleting occurs within any module, it is recorded in the system level activity logs. To enable this feature, we utilize the SystemActivityLogsTrait, […]

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Get Change Data

NOTE: User must me logged in as agent with permissions or admin to access this API URL : v3/service-desk/api/change/{changeId} Method : GET Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description changeId Integer Required Change Id Success Response: { “success”: true, “data”: { “change”: { “id”: 5, “description”: “Cisco router not working”, “subject”: “Router not working”, […]

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Update Label

URL: v3/api/label Method: POST Query Parameters Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description visible_to array  agents, team_lead, dept_mngr Required This field provides access, who can see the tags. Multiple user visibility can be selected from drop down. Response : { “success”: true, “message”: “Label saved successfully” } URL: v3/api/label-update/7 Method: PATCH Query Parameters Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description visible_to array […]

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Custom CSS Plugin

URL: custom-css/create Method: GET Note – Hit this URL to open the view page for creating the custom css. URL: custom-css/create Method: POST Query Parameters: Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description name string  string Required This field is unique. fired_at string  adminlayout, agentlayout, clientlayout Required This field indicates where custom css should be applied. script string […]

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Method to get Ticket Settings Details

URL: api/getTicketSetting Method: GET Description :Get Ticket Settings details Success Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “ticket”: { “id”: 1, “collision_avoid”: “22222”, “lock_ticket_frequency”: “1”, “status”: { “id”: 1, “name”: “Open” }, “count_internal”: 0, “show_status_date”: 0, “show_org_details”: 0, “waiting_time”: 17520, “ticket_number_prefix”: “AAAA”, “record_per_page”: “50” } } }  

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Get Ticket Close Workflow details

URL: api/close-workflow Method: GET Description :Get Ticket Close Workflow details Success Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “workflowClose”: { “id”: 1, “days”: 12, “condition”: 0, “send_email”: 1, “status”: 3, “created_at”: “2020-08-19 13:23:52”, “updated_at”: “2020-08-19 13:23:52”, “ticket_status”: [ { “id”: 1, “name”: “Open” }, { “id”: 3, “name”: “Closed” }, { “id”: 4, “name”: “Deleted” […]

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Update Close Ticket WorkFlow

URL : api/close-workflow-update Method : PATCH Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description bearer_token Required When hitting the login api in Postman there you will get bearer token. days intger Required The number of days to after which the tickets will be auto-closed. send_email boolean Required Send email to user on auto-closing the ticket(if […]

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