URL: custom-css/create

Method: GET

Note – Hit this URL to open the view page for creating the custom css.

URL: custom-css/create

Method: POST

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description
name string  string Required This field is unique.
fired_at string  adminlayout, agentlayout, clientlayout Required This field indicates where custom css should be applied.
script string  style Required This field contains css style. The css must be inside style tag like <style>h1{color: red;} </style>
 fire int  0,1 Required This field is indicates whether to fire the custom css or not.

Response :

    "success": true,
    "message": "Code snippet saved successfully"

URL:  custom-css/edit/1

Method: GET

Note – Hit this URL to open the view page for editing the specific custom css.

URL: custom-css/edit/1

Method: PATCH

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description
name string  string Required This field is unique.
fired_at string  adminlayout, agentlayout, clientlayout Required This field indicates where custom css should be applied.
script string  style Required This field contains css style. The css must be inside style tag like <style>h1{color: red;} </style>
 fire int  0,1 Required This field is indicates whether to fire the custom css or not.


Response :

    "success": true,
    "message": "Code snippet updated successfully"

URL: custom-css/1

Method: GET

Note –  Hit this URL to get specific custom css.



URL: custom-css/settings

Method: GET

Note – Hit this URL to open the listing page of custom css.

URL: get-custom-css/

Method: GET

Note – Hit this URL to get list of all custom css.