Assign Ticket

Description: Api to assign ticket to an agent or admin HTTP Method : PATCH      URL :   v3/ticket/assign Content-Type: application/json Name Data Type Required / Optional Description assigned_to string Required takes two values => 1. user_{user_id} => if you want to assign to an agent or yourself, in this case replace user id with the […]

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Linking Label to the Ticket

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : v3/labels-ticket Method: POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description ticket_id Integer Required ID of the Ticket Labels Array Required Label Name RESPONSE: {     “success”: true,     “message”: “Labels updated successfully” }

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Linking Tag to the Ticket

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : v3/add-tag Method: POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description ticket_id Integer Required ID of the Ticket tags Array Required Tag Name RESPONSE: {     “success”: true,     “message”: “Tags updated successfully” }

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Change ticket department

URL : v3/api/ticket/change-department Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Optional/Required Description ticket-id integer Required Ticket id of current ticket dept-id integer Required Id of new department Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:”Ticket department changed successfully” }  

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Change ticket due-date

URL : v3/api/ticket/change-duedate Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Optional/Required Description ticket-id integer Required Ticket id of current ticket duedate string Required The new due date. Due date must be sent as string in y-m-d hh:mm:ss format in agent’s timezone Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:”Ticket duedate changed successfully” }  

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Get form data

URL : v3/api/get-form-data Method : GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible values Optional/Required Description category string ticket, user, organisation, asset, change Required It is the category of the form which  has to be fetched Response : {   “success”:true,   “data”:{ “form_fields”:[         {            “id”:1, “title”:”title”,            “pattern”:””,//any regex pattern “sort_order”:1,            “type”:”email”,            “required_for_agent”:1,            “required_for_user”:1,            “display_for_agent”:1,            “display_for_user”:1,            “default”:1,            “media_option”:”0″, […]

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Post form data (will only be used by admin panel)

URL : v3/api/post-form-data Method : POST Query Parameters : None Body Parameters : Parameter Type Possible values Optional/Required Description category string ticket, user, organisation Required It is the category of the form which  has to be fetched form-fields array Array of objects Required Form fields which are updated or newly created. Please read below for […]

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Delete form data (will only be used by admin panel)

URL : v3/api/delete-form-data Method : DELETE Query Parameters : Parameter Type Optional/Required Description id integer Required Id of the field that is required to be deleted type string Required Whether field or option Possible values are “option” ,”label” and “field” Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:”Successfully deleted” }  

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Add Collaborators

URL : v3/api/ticket/collaborators Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Optional/Required Description ticket-id integer Required Ticket id of current ticket collaborator-ids Array Required Array of collaborator ids Response : { “success”:true, “message”:”Successfully added” }  

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