
Webhooks enable automatic communication between web applications. If an event/action occurs in one application, it sends a notification to another application via the Internet. This notification carries details about the event and is sent to a specific web address. Webhook sources are various channels through which data can be received and processed. They serve as […]

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Location List

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/location-list Method: GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description sort-field String name Optional Field name to sort sort-order String asc, desc Optional Sorting order either ascending or descending search-query String location name Optional Keyword to be searched in Location […]

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Create Label

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : v3/api/label Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description title String Label One Required Label Name color String #000000 Required Color of the label order Integer 1 Required Order of Label Response: { “success”: true, “message”:”Label Saved Successfully” }

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Delete Label

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL: v3/api/label-delete/{label} Method: DELETE Description : Delete a label. Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description label integer Required Label id of the label to be deleted. Response: { “success”: true, “message”: “Label Deleted Successfully” }

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Label List

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : v3/api/label-list Method : GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description sort-field String name Optional Field name to sort sort-order String asc, desc Optional Sorting order either ascending or descending search-query String label name Optional Keyword to be searched in Label […]

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Handling widgets

Faveo widgets allow admin to add social media icons and custom footer widgets in the client panel. The APIs are exclusively accessible by Admin users. Both social media icons and footer widgets can be accessed via the same API by just passing type slug to inform the system which widget record we want to access. Get widget […]

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Get SLA URL : v3/api/get-enforcer/sla/{slaId} Method : GET Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “sla”: { “id”: 84, “name”: “Test Sla”, “status”: 1, “order”: 1, “matcher”: “all”, “is_default”: 0, “internal_notes”: “”, “created_at”: “2019-12-09 11:12:15”, “updated_at”: “2019-12-09 11:12:15”, “sla_meta”: [{ “id”: 14, “ticket_sla_id”: 14, “priority_id”: 1, “respond_within”: “diff::1~hour”, “resolve_within”: “diff::1~hour”, “business_hour_id”: 1, “send_email_notification”: 1, “send_app_notification”: […]

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SLA reminders

NOTE: These API is going to change in near future. Not meant for extenal purpose for now Gets SLA Reminders URL : v3/api/admin/sla-reminders/slaId Method : GET Response : { “id”: 58, “reminders”: { “approach”: [{ “id”: 1, “reminder_delta”: 10, “reminder_receivers”: { “agents”: [{ “id”: 1, “name”: “demo admin” }], “agent_types”: [{ “id”: 1, “name”: “Department […]

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Get Logged In Agent Information

URL: api/agent-info Method: GET Description : Fetches logged in agent/admin information Success Response : {  “success”: true,  “data”: { “agent”: [   {     “id”: 99,     “first_name”: “Krishna”,     “last_name”: “Vishwakarma”,     “user_name”: “krishna”,     “location”: “bangalore”,     “role”: “agent”,     “email”: “krishna@faveo.com”,     “ext”: “080”,     “country_code”: 91,     “mobile”: “9853453453”,     “phone_number”: […]

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Form Group

URL : v3/api/post-form-group Method : POST Query Parameters : None Body Parameters :   Parameter Type Possible values Optional/Required Description name string Required Name of the form group form-fields array Array of objects Required Form fields which are updated or newly created. Please read below for detailed explanation help_topic_ids array Optional array of help topic […]

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