Twitter Ticket Plugin

Gets the Twitter Credentials. URL : v3/twitter/credentials Method : GET Response : { “success”:true, message”:{ “id”:1, “consumer_api_key”:”uluefhkhhpko0xAQcLq1Zl”, “consumer_api_secret”:”TFVIO0wxnhjhdskjhhUIUR5EE4Uzdc2EkB3iYDqs2JtAwAO”, “access_token”:”2951462162-cjQVHuZjsahjkashjkhaVWZAR4X3NtXLqqrKOodw8jhods4″, “access_token_secret”:”KaGVve61hihhkihihN0yAv4A1C1hmLahgBoPaXhKJxs”, “reply_interval”:5, “hashtag_text”:”hashtag”, “created_at”:”2019-11-25 11:05:57″, “updated_at”:”2019-11-25 11:05:57″ } Saves the Twitter App. URL : twitter/create Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Optional/Required Description consumer_api_key string Required Consumer API Key consumer_api_secret string Required Consumer Secret […]

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Facebook Plugin

Saves the Facebook pages. URL : facebook/page/save Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Optional/Required Description page_ids array Required IDs of the Facebook Pages to save . Response : { “success”:true, “message”:”Page(s) added successfully.” } Gets the Facebook Credentials. URL : facebook/credentials Method : GET Response : { “success”:true, “message”:”Facebook App Registered. Now you […]

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SLA reminders

NOTE: These API is going to change in near future. Not meant for extenal purpose for now Gets SLA Reminders URL : v3/api/admin/sla-reminders/slaId Method : GET Response : { “id”: 58, “reminders”: { “approach”: [{ “id”: 1, “reminder_delta”: 10, “reminder_receivers”: { “agents”: [{ “id”: 1, “name”: “demo admin” }], “agent_types”: [{ “id”: 1, “name”: “Department […]

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Management Report Columns

URL : v3/api/agent/management-report-columns Method : GET Response: {    “success”: true,    “data”: { “column_key” : “column Label”,// more columns    } }

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Management Report Data

URL : v3/api/agent/management-report/{reportID} Method : GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description category String all, inbox, mytickets, closed, unassigned, followup, deleted, unapproved Required ‘all’ can be used to get all the tickets irrespective of which category they belongs. Rest of the category will give only tickets from that category search-query String any […]

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