Update Location

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/location-update/{location} Method : POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description title String Indiranagar Required Location Name phone Integer 1478523690 Optional Phone of the Location address Text No 68, First Floor Optional Address of the location country_id Integer 1 Optional […]

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Add reply and internal notes

Description Add a reply or internal notes on the tickets. URL v3/api/thread/reply/{ticketId} Parameters   Name Data Type Required / Optional Description content String Required The body of your reply is_internal_note boolean Optional 1 if you want to add a response as an internal note else it will be added as a reply attachment[] Array Optional […]

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Release Planning PopUp Details

URL: service-desk/api/release-planning/{releaseId} Method: get Description : Get Release Planning PopUp Details based on Release Id Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description release_id integer Required Release id of the release to get release planning popup details. Success Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “planning_popups”: [ { “id”: 1, “owner”: “sd_releases:1”, “key”: “build-plan”, “created_at”: “2020-04-21 11:45:42”, “updated_at”: “2020-04-21 11:45:42”, “description”: “<p>yg45whju6hj</p>\r\n”, “attachment”: null } ] } }

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Mark Release as completed

URL: service-desk/api/complete-release/{releaseId} Method: POST Description : Mark Release as completed Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description release_id integer Required Release id of the release to be mark as completed. Success Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:“Release has completed” }

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Delete Release

URL: service-desk/api/release/{releaseId} Method: DELETE Description : Delete a Release. Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description release_id integer Required Release id of the release to be deleted. Success Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:“Release deleted successfully” }

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Reject Contract

Description: URL: service-desk/’api/contract-reject/{contractId}} Method: POST Description : Route to reject contract Parameters:   Parameter Type Optional/Required Description contract_id integer Required Contract id of the contract to be rejected purpose_of_rejection string sometimes Purpose of Rejection Success Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:“Contract Rejected Successfully” }

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Detach Asset from Contract

Description: URL: service-desk/api/contract-detach-asset/{contractId}/{assetId} Method: DELETE Description : Route to detach asset from contract based on contractId and  assetId Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description contract id integer Required Contract id of the contract to detach change asset id integer Required Asset id of the asset to be detached from contract Success Response : { “success”:true, “Message”:“Asset Detached […]

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Create Ticket V3

Create ticket as an Agent (Authentication token required) Description: To create a ticket in Faveo from the agent panel. Use this API to create a ticket as an agent on behalf of the customer. HTTP Method : POST      URL :   v3/newticket/post Content-Type: multipart/form-data NOTE:  most of the things mentioned here are configurable by form […]

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Get SLA URL : v3/api/get-enforcer/sla/{slaId} Method : GET Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “sla”: { “id”: 84, “name”: “Test Sla”, “status”: 1, “order”: 1, “matcher”: “all”, “is_default”: 0, “internal_notes”: “”, “created_at”: “2019-12-09 11:12:15”, “updated_at”: “2019-12-09 11:12:15”, “sla_meta”: [{ “id”: 14, “ticket_sla_id”: 14, “priority_id”: 1, “respond_within”: “diff::1~hour”, “resolve_within”: “diff::1~hour”, “business_hour_id”: 1, “send_email_notification”: 1, “send_app_notification”: […]

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