URL: v3/api/search

Method: GET

Query Parameters



Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description
integer 0,1 Optional If this field is checked then whatever someone is searching should be present in article name.
description integer 0,1 Optional If this field is checked then whatever someone is searching should be present in article description.
integer 0,1 Optional If this field is checked then whatever someone is searching should be present should exactly match the provide values such as tag, category, name, description.
string category name Optional If this field is checked then whatever someone is searching should contain the provided category.
string tag name Optional If this field is checked then whatever someone is searching should be present in article name.
summary string string Required searching will also applied on summary field. This field is not in advance search. But whenever someone searches anything it will search into summary column. This is the new field added to knowledge base articles.



    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "articles": {
            "current_page": 1,
            "data": [
                    "id": 4,
                    "name": "Second article on fashion",
                    "description": "Publishing second article on Fashion",
                    "summary": "fashion",
                    "publish_time": "2021-03-04 07:17:15", 
                    "slug": "second-article-on-fashion", 
                    "type": 1, 
                    "category_name": "Testing first Category", 
                    "tag_name": "Fashion", 
                    "relevance": 23.599999999999998 
                { "id": 3,
                  "name": "First article on fashion Temple",
                  "description": "Publish first article on fashion", 
                  "summary": "fashion",
                  "publish_time": "2021-03-04 07:15:04", 
                  "slug": "first-article-on-fashion", 
                  "type": 1, 
                  "category_name": "Testing first Category", 
                  "tag_name": "Fashion", 
                  "relevance": 23.599999999999998 
     "first_page_url": "http://test.com/faveo-helpdesk/public/v3/api/search?page=1", 
     "from": 1, 
     "last_page": 1, 
     "last_page_url": "http://test.com/faveo-helpdesk/public/v3/api/search?page=1", 
     "next_page_url": null, 
     "path": "http://test.com/faveo-helpdesk/public/v3/api/search", 
     "per_page": 10, 
     "prev_page_url": null, 
     "to": 2, 
     "total": 2


URL: v3/article

Method: POST

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description
summary string text Required This field will contain text upto 350 characters, which will be used for preview for articles.




   "success": true,
   "message": "Article updated successfully"
