Creates the Project

URL : v3/tasks/api/project/create

Method : POST

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
name string Required Name of the Project

Response :



 "message":"Project Created Successfully."


Fetches all the Projects With Pagination.

URL : v3/tasks/api/project/view

Method : GET

Response :

        "created_at":"2020-01-02 09:53:03",
        "updated_at":"2020-01-02 09:53:03"

Deletes the Project.

URL : v3/tasks/api/project/delete/{projectId}

Method : DELETE

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
projectID string Required Project ID to be deleted

Response :



 "message":"Project Deleted successfully."


Edits the Project.

URL : v3/tasks/api/project/edit/{projectId}

Method : PUT

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
projectID string Required Project ID to be edited
name string Required Name of the project

Response :



 "message":"Project Updated successfully."


Creates the Category

URL : v3/tasks/api/category/create

Method : POST

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
name string Required Name of the Project
project_id string Required Id of the Project to which this category belongs

Response :



 "message":"Category Created Successfully."


Fetches all the Categories With Pagination.

URL : v3/tasks/api/category/view

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
project_ids array Optional Ids of project(s) to filter category

Response :

success: true,
  "current_page": 1,
  "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/category-view?page=1",
  "from": 1,
  "last_page": 1,
  "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/category-view?page=1",
  "next_page_url": null,
  "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/category-view",
  "per_page": "10",
  "prev_page_url": null,
  "to": 2,
  "total": 2,
  "data": [
     "name": "Category Name"
     "project_id" : 1,
     "id" : 1,

Deletes the Category.

URL : v3/ tasks/api/category/delete/{categoryId}

Method : DELETE

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
categoryId string Required Category ID to be deleted

Response :



 "message":"Category Deleted successfully."


Edits the Category.

URL : v3/tasks/category/edit/{categoryId}

Method : PUT

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
name string Required Name of the category
project_id string Required Project ID to which the category belongs

Response :



 "message":"Category Updated successfully."


Filter and Return Tasks.

URL : v3/tasks/api/get-all-tasks

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
ticket_ids array Optional When Set Return tasks associated with tickets in parameter
change_ids array Optional When Set Return tasks associated with changes in parameter
projects array Optional When Set Return tasks associated with specific projects in parameter
task_categories array Optional When Set Return tasks associated with specific categories in parameter
assigned_to_agent array Optional When Set Return tasks assigned to specific agents in parameter
assigned_to_team array Optional When Set Return tasks assigned to specific teams in parameter
task_ids array Optional When Set Return tasks with specific ids in parameter
created_by_array array Optional When Set Return tasks created by specific agents in parameter
is_private string Optional When Set to true only returns private tasks
assigned_to_team_of_agent array Optional When Set Return tasks assigned to team(s) of agents in parameter
sort_order string Optional When Set Sorts the task (ASC/DESC)
search_term string Optional When Set Return tasks matching the search term
limit string Optional Limits the tasks displayed per page

Response :

  "success": true,
  "data": {
  "current_page": 1,
  "first_page_url": "http://localhost/public/tasks/get-all-tasks?page=1",
  "from": 1,
  "last_page": 1,
  "last_page_url": "http://localhost/public/tasks/get-all-tasks?page=1",
  "next_page_url": null,
  "path": "http://localhost/public/tasks/get-all-tasks",
  "per_page": "10",
  "prev_page_url": null,
  "to": 1,
  "total": 1,
  "tasks": [
     "id": 1,
     "task_name": "Simp",
     "task_description": "Sample Description of 100 Characters",
     "created_at": "2020-01-02 10:07:03",
     "ticket_id": 1,
     "status": "Open",
     "title": "Simple",
     "start": {
     "date": "2020-01-02 10:34:44.116515",
     "timezone_type": 3,
     "timezone": "Europe/London"
    "url": "http://localhost/public/task/1/edit",
    "name": "Simple"

Creates the Task

URL :v3/ tasks/task/

Method : POST

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_name string Required Name of the Task
task_description string Optional Task Description
task_start_date string Required Task start date
task_end_date string Required Task End Date
due_alert_text string Optional Used to send reminder before the set time in minutes(10, 20, 30, 60)
attached_tickets array Optional IDs of the tickets to which task should attach
attached_changes array Optional IDs of the changes to which task should attach
assigned_agents array Optional List of Agent Ids to add as assignees to task
assigned_teams array Optional List of Team Ids to add as assignees to task
watching_agents array Optional List of Agent Ids to add as watchers to task
watching_teams array Optional List of Team Ids to add as watchers to task
watching_departments array Optional List of Department Ids to add as watchers to task
is_private string Required If set the task will be a private task
project_id string Optional ID of the project to which this task belongs to
task_category_id string Optional ID of the category to which this task belongs to
status string Required Status of the task (Open, Closed, In-progress)

Response :



 "message":"Task Created Successfully."


Updates the Task

URL : v3/tasks/task/{taskId}

Method : PUT

Query Parameters :

task_name string Required Name of the Project
task_description string Required Task Description
task_start_dat string Required Task start date
task_end_date string Required Task End Date
due_alert_text string Optional Used to send reminder before the set time in minutes(10, 20, 30, 60)
attached_tickets array Optional IDs of the tickets to which task should attach
attached_changes array Optional IDs of the changes to which task should attach
assigned_agents array Optional List of Agent Ids to add as assignees to task
assigned_teams array Optional List of Team Ids to add as assignees to task
watching_agents array Optional List of Agent Ids to add as watchers to task
watching_teams array Optional List of Team Ids to add as watchers to task
watching_departments array Optional List of Department Ids to add as watchers to task
is_private string Required If set the task will be a private task
project_id string Optional ID of the category to which this task belongs to
task_category_id string Optional ID of the category to which this task belongs to
status string Required Status of the task (Open, Closed, In-progress)

Response :



 "message":"Task Updated Successfully."


Deletes the Task.

URL : v3/tasks/task/{taskID}

Method : DELETE

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
taskID string Required Task ID to be deleted

Response :



 "message":"Task Deleted successfully."


Change the Task Status.

URL : v3/tasks/api/change-task/{id}/{status}

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
id string Required Task ID to change status
status string Required Status to be updated (Open,Close,In-progress)

Response :



 "message":"Task Status Changed successfully."


Gets list of tasks for calendar view

URL : v3/tasks/api/tasks-calender

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
assigned_to_agent array Optional List of agent IDs to which the task is assigned
created_by_array array Optional List of agent IDs who created the task
assigned_to_team_of_agent array Optional List of agent IDs for whose team the task is assigned

Response :


 tasks: [
     "id": 60,
     "title": "EY",
     "start": "2022-03-13T08:00:35+05:30",
     "end": "2022-03-15T08:00:35+05:30",
     "color": "red"



Detaches a change from task

URL : v3/tasks/api/detach-change

Method : DELETE

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Optional ID of the task
change_id string Optional ID of the change to be detached

Response :

    "message":"Change detached successfully."

Detaches a ticket from task

URL : v3/tasks/api/detach-ticket

Method : DELETE

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Optional ID of the task
ticket_id string Optional ID of the ticket to be detached

Response :

    "message":"Ticket detached successfully."

Get list of tickets associated with task

URL : v3/tasks/api/attached-ticket

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Required ID of the task

Response :

    "current_page": 1,
    "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/attached-ticket?page=1",
     "from": 1,
     "last_page": 1,
     "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/attached-ticket?page=1",
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/attached-ticket",
     "per_page": "10",
     "prev_page_url": null,
     "to": 2,
     "total": 2,
     "tickets": [
          "id": 1

Get list of changes associated with task

URL : v3/tasks/api/attached-change

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Required ID of the task

Response :

    "current_page": 1,
    "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/attached-change?page=1",
     "from": 1,
     "last_page": 1,
     "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/attached-change?page=1",
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/attached-change",
     "per_page": "10",
     "prev_page_url": null,
     "to": 2,
     "total": 2,
     "data": [
          "id": 1,
          "subject": "Change Subject"

Add comment to task

URL : v3/tasks/api/add-comment-to-task

Method : POST

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Required ID of the task
comment string Optional comment body
attachments array Optional List of attachments information

Response :

    "message":"Comment added successfully."

Update comment of task

URL : v3/tasks/api/update-comment

Method : PUT

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Required ID of the task
comment string Optional comment body
comment_id string Required ID of the comment
attachments array Optional List of attachments information

Response :

    "message":"Comment updated successfully."

Delete task comment

URL : v3/tasks/api/delete-comment

Method : DELETE

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Required ID of the task
comment_id string Required comment id to delete

Response :

    "message":"Comment deleted successfully."

Get comments belonging to task

URL : v3/tasks/api/get-comments

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
task_id string Required ID of the task

Response :

    success: true,
       "current_page": 1,
       "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/get-comments?page=1",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/get-comments?page=1",
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/get-comments",
        "per_page": "10",
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 2,
        "total": 2,
        "data": [
             "body": "Comment body"
             "user" : {},
             "id" : 1,
             "user_id": 1

Get Task Activity Logs

URL : v3/tasks/api/activity/{taskId}

Method : GET

Response :

    success: true,
       "current_page": 1,
       "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/activity?page=1",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/activity?page=1",
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/activity",
        "per_page": "10",
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 2,
        "total": 2,
        "data": [
             "message": "Message body"
             "creator" : { creator details },

Apply Task Template

URL : v3/ tasks/api/template/apply

Method : POST

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
template string Required ID of the template for applying
entity_type string Required Target entity (change, ticket)
entity_id string Required Id of the target entity

Response :

    "message":"Task Template Applied Successfully."

Get Paginated List of Task Templates

URL : v3/ tasks/api/template/dropdown
Method : GET

Response :

    success: true,
       "current_page": 1,
       "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/template/dropdown?page=1",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/template/dropdown?page=1",
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/template/dropdown",
        "per_page": "10",
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 2,
        "total": 2,
        "data": [
             "id" : 1,
             "name": Template 1

Update Task Template

URL : v3/tasks/api/template/update/{template_id}

Method : PUT

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
category_id string Optional ID of the category to which this template belongs
project_id string Optional ID of the project to which this template belongs
name string Required Name of the template
description string Required Description of the template
task_templates array Required List of tasks belongs to this template
task_templates.*.assignees array Optional List of agents assigned to the template task (ID of an agent)
task_templates.*.teams array Optional List of teams assigned to the template task (ID of a team)
task_templates.*.taskEnd integer Required Number between 1-1000 used for due_date
task_templates.*.taskEndUnit string Required Unit (minute,hour,day,month), used for due_date
task_templates.*.order integer Required Order of the task
task_templates.*.taskName string Required Name of template task
task_templates.*.assignTaskToTicketAssignee boolean Required (Deprecated; Send `false` always)Decides to assign ticket assignee to template tasks

Response :

    "message":"Task Template Successfully Saved."

Create Task Template

URL : v3/tasks/api/template/store

Method : POST

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
category_id string Optional ID of the category to which this template belongs
project_id string Optional ID of the project to which this template belongs
name string Required Name of the template
description string Required Description of the template
task_templates array Required List of tasks belongs to this template
task_templates.*.assignees array Optional List of agents assigned to the template task (ID of an agent)
task_templates.*.teams array Optional List of teams assigned to the template task (ID of a team)
task_templates.*.taskEnd integer Required Number between 1-1000 used for due_date
task_templates.*.taskEndUnit string Required Unit (minute,hour,day,month), used for due_date
task_templates.*.order integer Required Order of the task
task_templates.*.taskName string Required Name of template task
task_templates.*.assignTaskToTicketAssignee boolean Required (Deprecated; Send `false` always)Decides to assign ticket assignee to template tasks

Response :

    "message":"Task Template Successfully Saved."

Get Template Details With Pagination

URL : v3/tasks/api/template/index

Method : GET

Query Parameters :

Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
sortField string Optional Field used for sorting
sortOrder string Optional Sort order
searchTerm string Optional Search term

Response :

    success: true,
       "current_page": 1,
       "first_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/template/index?page=1",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "https://do.test/tasks/api/template/index?page=1",
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "https://do.test/tasks/api/template/index",
        "per_page": "10",
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 2,
        "total": 2,
        "data": [
             "id": 1
             "template_tasks" : [  ]

Delete Task Template

URL : v3/tasks/api/template/delete/{id}

Method : DELETE

Response :

    success: true,
    message: 'Task Template Deleted Successfully'