Deactivate and Delete User Api

1. Deactivate User Api URL: v3/api/account/deactivate/{userId} Method: POST Response Format: JSON Parameters : Name Data Type Required / Optional Description action_on_assigned_tickets string Required surrender action_on_owned_tickets string Required takes two values => 1. close => if you want to close the tickets of the user.2. change_owner => If you want to change the owner of the tickets of this user. […]

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ServiceDesk Webhook Api for sending data to servicedesk from external softwares

Api Endpoint – /v3/service-desk/api/webhook/receive/dataMethod – POSTDataType : Array FormatData Format: array(             “value” => [          “Device” => [          “uuid” => “20211016-0091-9E4D-21AF-00919E4D21B3”,          “serial_number” => “33710/21XE00320”,        ],        “Components” => [          “logical_drive” => [            [                “drive_name” => “C”,              “file_type” => “NTFS”,            ],            [                “drive_name” => “D”,         […]

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Get Details of Ticket Status For Edit

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL: api/status/edit/{status} Method: GET Description : Get Details of Ticket Status For Edit Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description status Integer Required status id of the status to be Edited. Success Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “status”: { “id”: 17, “name”: “one updated”, […]

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Get Country List

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL: api/dependency/country-codes Method: GET Description: Get Country List. Parameters:   Parameter Type Optional/Required Description limit Integer Optional How Many Country You wanted to Fetch. page Integer Optional On which page you wanted to go. by default it will show 10 details per page […]

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