1. Deactivate User Api

URL: v3/api/account/deactivate/{userId}

Method: POST

Response Format: JSON

Parameters :

NameData TypeRequired / OptionalDescription
action_on_owned_ticketsstringRequiredtakes two values =>
1. close => if you want to close the tickets of the user.
2. change_owner => If you want to change the owner of the tickets of this user.
set_owner_tonumberOptional/Required(if action_on_owned_tickets is change_owner){user_id}=>User id of the user with whom you wants to change.


“success”: true,
“message”: “Account deactivation request has been processed successfully. Account will be deactivated shortly after processing its dependencies.”

2. Delete User Api
URL: v3/api/account/delete/{userId}

Method: DELETE

Response Format: JSON

Parameters :

NameData TypeRequired / OptionalDescription
It takes three values =>
1. nothing=> if you want to do nothing with the tickets of this user.
2. delete => if you wants to delete the tickets of this user permanently.
3. change_owner=>If you want to change the owner of the tickets of this user.
set_owner_tonumberOptional/Required(if action_on_owned_tickets id change_owner) {user_id}=>User id of the user with whom you wants to change.


“success”: true,
“message”: “Account deletion request has been processed successfully. Account will be deleted shortly after processing its dependencies.”
