
1. Redacting Text URL: v3/api/thread/redactMethod: POST Response Format: JSON Parameters : Name Data Type Required / Optional Description threadId integer Required Id of the thread that you want to redact. text string optional Contains the entire text that you want to redact attachments array optional ids of the attachment that you want to redact Sample Request:For eg you have […]

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Assign Ticket

Description: Api to assign ticket to an agent or admin HTTP Method : PATCH      URL :   v3/ticket/assign Content-Type: application/json Name Data Type Required / Optional Description assigned_to string Required takes two values => 1. user_{user_id} => if you want to assign to an agent or yourself, in this case replace user id with the […]

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Dashboard widget

URL: api/agent/dashboard-report/top-widget Method: GET Description : Gets the dashboard ticket widgets Success Response :

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Integrating System Level Activity Logs with other modules for Helpdesk

In this article, we’ll explore the integration of system level activity logs with helpdesk modules, providing insights into how these logs can enhance helpdesk functionalities. Whenever an action such as creating, updating, or deleting occurs within any module, it is recorded in the system level activity logs. To enable this feature, we utilize the SystemActivityLogsTrait, […]

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System Level Activity Logs

API’s:  Description: This API is for showing list of system activity logs Api Endpoint – /v3/api/activitylogs Method – GET Response: { “log_name”: “Contact”, “description”: “Contact <a href=’https://meera.localhost/faveo/public/panel/user/32′></a> has been created”, “event”: “Created”, “causer_type”: “App\\User”, “causer_id”: 1, “created_at”: “2023-09-07T18:57:04.000000Z”, “properties”: { “attributes”: { “email”: “”, “mobile”: “”, “primary_dpt”: null, “role”: “user”, “first name”: “a”, “last name”: […]

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