Create ticket as an Agent (Authentication token required)


To create a ticket in Faveo from the agent panel. Use this API to create a ticket as an agent on behalf of the customer.

HTTP Method : POST     

URL :   v3/newticket/post

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

NOTE:  most of the things mentioned here are configurable by form builder on the admin panel. Those fields are marked as Configurable. Current status of configurable fields can be found at 

Parameters :

Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
requester String Required Id of the requester on whose behalf ticket is getting created
status_id Integer Configurable Id of the status in which ticket has to be created
cc[] array Configurable An array of Ids of cc users
subject String Configurable The subject of the Ticket
priority_id Integer Configurable id of the priority of the ticket
location_id Integer Configurable id of the location of the ticket
source_id Integer Configurable id of the source of the ticket
department_id Integer Configurable id of the department of the ticket
help_topic_id Integer Configurable id of the help topic of the ticket
assigned_id Integer Configurable id of the agent to whom the ticket has to be assigned
description String Configurable Description of the ticket
custom_id String/Array Optional “custom_(id of the custom field)”
attachment[] Array Optional Media attachment array containing file objects

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" -i -F requester=1 -F priority_id=1 -F help_topic_id=1 -F "panel=agent" -F "scenario=create" -F "subject=ticketacsd" -F "description=asadf" -F "custom_48[]=@/home/krishna/Downloads/aaa.png" http://localhost/faveo/public/v3/newticket/post


  •   Response Format: JSON
  •   Returns JSON which contains below response

Sample JSON Success Response :

	"success": true,
	"message": "Ticket created successfully with ticket number <a target='_blank' href=https:\/\/\/thread\/10804>AAAA-0007-106<\/a>",
	"data": {
		"id": 10804,// id of the ticket
		"ticket_number": "AAAA-0007-106",
		"encrypted_id": "eyJpdiI6IkVwZSs4OEE0QzlkNHZcL0xCSmE2cWtnPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlhTanQrYzA5YWJEaWc4UEJlRWxiTEE9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjljODU0MDZkMTRkMWEyMjliNGUwOTRiNTZhMTYwNzhkNzljYzE1YWYwYmMzYzRlMzliNjBjMzBlOTk1NzEwMDYifQ==",


Possible Errors/Failures:


             "success": false,

             "message": { 
                    "field": "this field is required" 


 *Please check the responses for some common errors  

Create ticket as a Client (Authentication token not required)


To create a ticket in Faveo from the client panel. Use this API to create a ticket as an end-user or customer.

HTTP Method : POST     

URL :   v3/postedform

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

NOTE:  most of the things mentioned here are configurable by form builder on the admin panel. Those fields are marked as Configurable. Current status of configurable fields can be found at .

Parameters :

Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
requester String Required Username of the requester on whose behalf ticket is getting created. The requester passed in the parameter must be registered in the system.
status_id Integer Configurable Id of the status in which ticket has to be created
subject String Configurable The subject of the Ticket
priority_id Integer Configurable id of the priority of the ticket
location_id Integer Configurable id of the location of the ticket
source_id Integer Configurable id of the source of the ticket
department_id Integer Configurable id of the department of the ticket
help_topic_id Integer Configurable id of the help topic of the ticket
assigned_id Integer Configurable id of the agent to whom the ticket has to be assigned
description String Configurable Description of the ticket
custom_id String/Array Optional “custom_(id of the custom field)”


  •   Response Format: JSON
  •   Returns JSON which contains below response

 Sample JSON Success Response :

	"success": true,
	"message": "Ticket created successfully with ticket number <a target='_blank' href=https:\/\/\/thread\/10804>AAAA-0007-106<\/a>",
	"data": {
		"id": 10804,// id of the ticket
		"ticket_number": "AAAA-0007-106",
		"encrypted_id": "eyJpdiI6IkVwZSs4OEE0QzlkNHZcL0xCSmE2cWtnPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlhTanQrYzA5YWJEaWc4UEJlRWxiTEE9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjljODU0MDZkMTRkMWEyMjliNGUwOTRiNTZhMTYwNzhkNzljYzE1YWYwYmMzYzRlMzliNjBjMzBlOTk1NzEwMDYifQ==",

Possible Errors/Failures:


             "success": false,

             "message": { 
                    "field": "this field is required" 


 *Please check the responses for some common errors  
