This API currently only works as a web API and needs to be converted to v3 to support token-based authentication

URL : /ticket/{ticket}/time-track/{timeTrack?}

Note: This API will only be available after enabling the “Time-track” module in the system.

Method : GET


Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
ticket integer Required Ticket ID
timeTrack integer Optional Time Track ID


Parameter Type Optional/Required Description
per_page integer Optional Records per page
page integer Optional Page number
sory_by string Optional Order by column. Valid columns file, ext, type, created_at
order string Optional Order of sorting. Valid inputs: asc & desc
search string Optional Search string. Search by file, ext, type and created_at


List of Time Track for a ticket:


"success": true,

"data": {

    "current_page": 1,

    "data": [{

        "id": 16,

        "description": "Id ullam rerum voluptas cupiditate quisquam.",

        "work_time": 538,

        "ticket_id": 22,

        "created_at": "2019-02-13 07:21:57",

        "updated_at": "2019-02-13 07:21:57"


    "first_page_url": "http:\/\/localhost:8000\/ticket\/22\/time-track?page=1",

    "from": 1,

    "last_page": 1,

    "last_page_url": "http:\/\/localhost:8000\/ticket\/22\/time-track?page=1",

    "next_page_url": null,

    "path": "http:\/\/localhost:8000\/ticket\/22\/time-track",

    "per_page": 10,

    "prev_page_url": null,

    "to": 1,

    "total": 1



Data of a specific Time Track:


"success": true,

"data": {

    "id": 21,

    "description": "Dolorum ut nobis dolorem excepturi a eaque qui.",

    "work_time": 112,

    "ticket_id": 29,

    "created_at": "2019-02-13 07:24:29",

    "updated_at": "2019-02-13 07:24:29"



