Ticket List
NOTE: User must me logged in as agent or admin to access this API
URL : v3/api/agent/ticket-list
Method : GET
Query Parameters :
Parameter | Type | Possible Values | Required/Optional | Description |
category | String | all, inbox, mytickets, closed, unassigned, followup, deleted, unapproved | Required | ‘all’ can be used to get all the tickets irrespective of which category they belongs. Rest of the category will give only tickets from that category |
search-query | String | any | Optional | Search string given in the datatable.
By default its value is empty |
limit | Integer | any | Optional | Number of tickets that are reuired to display on a partiular page.
By default its value is 10 |
page | integer | any | Optional | This is the current page in the ticket list.
By default its value is 1 |
sort-field | String | ticket_number, isanswered,updated_at (for last_activity) | Optional | The field that is required to be sorted.
By default its value is updated_at (last_activity) |
sort-order | String | asc, desc | Optional | The order in which field is required to be sorted
By default its value is desc |
helptopic-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The help topic Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
dept-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The department Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
priority-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The priority Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
sla-plan-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The SLA Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
ticket-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The ticket Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
owner-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The owner Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
assignee-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The assignee Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
team-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The team-ids by which ticket needs to be filtered |
status-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The status ids by which ticket is required to be filtered |
type-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The ticket type Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
source-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The source Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
assigned | boolean | 0 or 1 | Optional | The value by which tickets filter based on assigned or unassigned |
answered | boolean | 0 or 1 | Optional | The value by which tickets filter based on answered or unanswered |
tag-ids | Array | Array of tag names | Optional | The tags by which ticket needs to be filtered |
label-ids | Array | Array of label names | Optional | The labels by which ticket needs to be filtered |
due-on | String | DateTime range for created_at in format start_date~end_date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Optional | The due date (time) by which tickets needs to be filtered |
created-at | String | DateTime range for created_at in format start_date~end_date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Optional | The ticket created time by which ticket needs to be filtered. |
updated-at | String | DateTime range for created_at in format start_date~end_date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Optional | The ticket updated time by which ticket needs to be filtered. |
organization-ids | Array | Array of organization ids | Optional | The organization ids of the users which are owners of the ticket |
custom_id | String | Any String | Optional | Custom field param will have form field id after prefix ‘custom_’. |
Date Rage filter values example
If you wish to filter the results based on the date range you can pass ‘created-at’, ‘updated-at’, and ‘due-on’ as a parameter during the call. The below table shows the format and example you can use as the value for these parameters.
Please note: created-at and updated-at only accepts date and time which has passed while due-on only accepts future date and time.
Value format | created-at | updated-at | due-on | Example |
date::start_date~end_date | Available | Available | Available | date::2019-05-02+00:00:00~2020-03-31+23:59:59 |
last::<n>~<minute|hour|day|month> | Available | Available | Not available | last::7~day |
next::<n>~<minute|hour|day|month> | Not available | Not available | Available | next::5~hour |
{ "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "per_page": 10, "total": 2, "tickets": [{ "id": 10429, "title": "TEST_TITLE", "updated_at": "2018-03-20 07:46:37", "status": { "id": 1, "name": "Open" }, "ticket_number": "AAA-TICKET-NUMBER", "source": { "id": 1, "name": "Web", "css_class": "fa fa-internet-explorer" }, "duedate": "2018-03-20 12:46:37", "is_overdue": "false", "due_today": "true", "isanswered": "0", "thread_count": 1, "collaborator_count": null, "attachment_count": 0, "poster": "", "assigned": { "id": 1, "user_name": "demo_admin", "first_name": "Demo", "last_name": "Admin" }, "priority": { "id": 1, "name": "Low", "priority_color": "#00a65a" }, "collaborator_count_relation": [], "from": { "id": 1, "user_name": "demo_admin", "first_name": "Demo", "last_name": "Admin", "profile_pic": "http:\/\/localhost:8000\/lb-faveo\/media\/images\/system.png", "email": "Not available" }, "extra_fields": [// Configurable from ADMIN PANEL > TICKET SETTINGS > INBOX SETTINGS { "label": "label", "value": "value" } ] }] } }
Ticket Count
URL : v3/api/agent/ticket-count
Method : GET
Query Parameters :
Parameter | Type | Possible Values | Required/Optional | Description |
helptopic-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The help topic Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
dept-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The department Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
priority-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The priority Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
sla-plan-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The SLA Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
ticket-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The ticket Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
owner-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The owner Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
assignee-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The assignee Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
team-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The team-ids by which ticket needs to be filtered |
status-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The status ids by which ticket is required to be filtered |
type-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The ticket type Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
source-ids | Array | Array of integers | Optional | The source Ids by which tickets needs to be filtered |
assigned | boolean | 0 or 1 | Optional | The value by which tickets filter based on assigned or unassigned |
answered | boolean | 0 or 1 | Optional | The value by which tickets filter based on answered or unanswered |
tag-ids | Array | Array of tag names | Optional | The tags by which ticket needs to be filtered |
label-ids | Array | Array of label names | Optional | The labels by which ticket needs to be filtered |
due-on | String | DateTime range for created_at in format start_date~end_date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Optional | The due date (time) by which tickets needs to be filtered |
created-at | String | DateTime range for created_at in format start_date~end_date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Optional | The ticket created time by which ticket needs to be filtered. |
updated-at | String | DateTime range for created_at in format start_date~end_date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Optional | The ticket updated time by which ticket needs to be filtered. |
organization-ids | Array | Array of organization ids | Optional | The organization ids of the users which are owners of the ticket |
custom_id | String | Any String | Optional | Custom field param will have form field id after prefix ‘custom_’. |
{ "success": true, "data": { "open": 2, "closed": 3, "unapproved": 4 } }
I am unable to get the created-at date range to work correctly.
“success”: false,
“message”: “invalid parameter passed”
I have tried changing the date format in many different ways such as removing spaces, removing dashes and colons, etc. Could you provide an example of a working date range parameter?
Please refer to the date range filter section for clarification on how to pass values for created-at and updated-at parameters.