Create Ticket Type

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/ticket-types Method: POST Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description name String Feature Required Ticket Type Name type_desc Text This is the Feature ticket type required Ticket type Description ispublic Integer 1 required Ticket type ispublic or private Response: { […]

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Delete Ticket Type

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL:api/ticket-types-delete/{ticketTypeId} Method: DELETE Description : Delete a Ticket Type. Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description ticketTypeId Integer Required Ticket type id of the ticket type to be deleted. Success Response : { “success”: true, “message”: “Ticket Type deletion request has been processed successfully. Ticket Type […]

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Get Ticket Type Details

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL: api/ticket-types/{ticketTypeId} Method: GET Description: Get Ticket Type Details. Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description ticketTypeId Integer Required Ticket type id of the ticket type to be fetched. Success Response : { “success”: true, “data”: { “ticketType”: { “id”: 7, “name”: “API Third Type”, […]

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Ticket Type List

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/ticket-types-list Method : GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description sort-field String name Optional Field name to sort sort-order String asc, desc Optional Sorting order either ascending or descending search-query String problem Optional Keyword to be searched in Ticket Type […]

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Tag List

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/tags-list Method : GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description sort-field String name Optional Field name to sort sort-order String asc, desc Optional Sorting order either ascending or descending search-query String tag name Optional Keyword to be searched in Tag […]

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Get Tag Details

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL:api/tag/{tag} Method: GET Description : Get Tag Details. Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description tag integer Required tag id of the tag to be fetched. Response: { “success”: true, “data”: { “tag”: { “id”: 1, “name”: “new tag”, “description”: “This is new tag” } } […]

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Delete Tag

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL: api/tag-delete/{tag} Method: DELETE Description : Delete a Tag. Parameters: Parameter Type Optional/Required Description tag integer Required tag id of the tag to be deleted. Response: { “success”: true, “message”: “Tag Deleted Successfully” }

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Create Tag

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin or as agent to access this API URL : api/tag Method : POST Query Parameters :   Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description name String new tag Required Tag Name description Text this is new tag Optional Tag Description Response: { “success”: true, “message”:”Tag saved Successfully” }

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Update Tag

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/tag/update/{tag} Method : PATCH Query Parameters :   Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description name String tag Name Required Tag Name description Text Tag Desciption Optional Tag Description Response: { “success”: true, “message”:”Tag updated Successfully” }

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Ticket Priority List

NOTE: User must be logged in as admin to access this API URL : api/priority-list Method : GET Query Parameters : Parameter Type Possible Values Required/Optional Description sort-field String name Optional Field name to sort sort-order String asc, desc Optional Sorting order either ascending or descending search-query String Optional Keyword to be searched in Priority list page […]

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